Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Declaration of my love for Ice Cream!

Sure there are many reasons to love Ice Cream but for me, it would have for the memories. My best memories are somehow incorporated with me holding an ice cream cone (which I sinfully admit). These memories spark up celebrations, travels, good times with friends, and the simpler pleasures of life. What I also love about eating ice cream from my travels is that no matter how it's made or even what it's made of, it has the same components that just makes you smile and love life.

Below is a picture of me and my brother enjoying ice cream back when days were longer and life was a little less complicated...

Another fact that I'll have to admit (since I'm on a roll) is that Ice Cream really makes me feel better. Case in point, I have a pretty bad case of motion sickness, which is ironic because I love to travel and love it when I hop on a plane! There's been numerous times when I'm really not feeling well in transit, so I would buy a plain vanilla ice cream right before boarding a plane or getting in the car, and viola...the nausea is gone! I know it's all psychological but who cares, it works me!

Since I started making my own home made ice cream, the experience has definitely been more pleasurable as I love seeing the simple ingredients churn into a lovely masterpiece! As much as I love to cook, bake, or making arts and crafts, making ice cream is probably the most forgiving hobby. I say this because as many times as I have burnt what I was baking, I can't remember making an awful ice cream batch that ends up in the trash...even the "rejected" batches still gets finished!

The question is, why do YOU love ice cream?

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